Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I am so excited about this MOPS year, we have a wonderful group of womens/mommies, and you can just feel GOD's presence in the room when we are together. I encourage those of you that are new to try to get as involved as your schedule allows, the rewards are awesome!!! I am looking forward to the Mom' s Night out's that we have planned every month this year, this is something new we are doing, we only had a couple of outings last year, but this is going to allow us to really get to know each other so much better, and it gives us a break from the little ones, for a couple of hours each month!! We all need that! I also want everyone to know that since I am the In Reach person, my doors are always open, please feel free to call me if you need something, or need a prayer said, or anything, that is what I am here for. I thank God for each of you each day.
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His Faithful love endures forever. Chronicles 16:34

1 comment:

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

Hey Lisa! Thanks for posting! I am excited you are going to contribute on here!